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Come home my darling

I am here waiting for you

You set the world on fire

Lost everyone in it too


Love is your greatest intention

Your passion misunderstood

Leave it all out in the open

My love for you is secure

Rite tahi ki tō te mate

Te ngau o te aroha e

Me he ahi āritarita

E kore e tineia e

Cry in my arms little darling

Rest your head on my heart

It sings for you, boundless too

Nothing can pull us apart

Ahitūrangi tiketike

Ahikōmau ki te kōpū

Aroha nui rawa e

Aroha nui rawa e

Rite tahi ki tō te mate

Te ngau o te aroha e

Me he ahi āritarita 

E kore e tineia e


Kaikōmako - a translation

Love is as strong as death

The sparks of an unquenchable fire 

Highest inferno

Deepest fire

The greatest love


Tātarakihi kihikihi tātākī

Pakipaki kau ana ngā pakikau e taki

Takitini takimano ko nga tamariki

Tamanui ihiihi Tanerore arohaki 


E aro ki te hā o te taki tātarakihi 

Kua roa e tāria ana Hine Raumati 

Ko matimati kuiki i te makariri 

E maka ko te riri kia piripiri

Pipiri Puanga, ana te rawe o te

Pua ngā mokopuna he pura whetū

Tū ana Kōanga karanga mai, Raumati 

Matiti rawa ana e


Tātarakihi kihikihi tākarokaro taukapokapo

E rere runga rawa e

Piki ake kake ake 

He uri whakaheke

He mokopuna he tipuna e


He mokopuna he tipuna e


Tātarakihi kihikihi tātākī 

Pakipaki kau-ana ngā pakikau e taki

Takitini takimano ko nga tamariki

Tamanui ihiihi Tanerore arohaki 


Tātarakihi kihikihi tākarokaro taukapokapo

E rere runga rawa e

Piki ake kake ake 

He uri whakaheke

He mokopuna he tipuna e

Tātarakihi kihikihi tākarokaro taukapokapo

E rere runga rawa e

Piki ake kake ake 

He uri whakaheke

He mokopuna he tipuna e

He mokopuna he tipuna e


Cicada - A translation

Cicada cicadering and chattering

Clapping and clicking their wings to a/the beat

There are many, here a many children

Tamanui beaming down Tanerore quivering


I listen to the sound of the song of cicadas

It’s been a long time waiting for the summer

fingers cold from the winter

casting my opinions of others to come together (for warmth)

New year, new year, new year

Beginning of new life, a twinkling of a star

Spring comes, summer calls

Now summer is here


Cicadas chatter, play, then twinkle

Keep flying high

Higher and higher

All descendants (of those in the heavens)

All grandchildren are ancestors



When I

Wake and open my eyes

Sun down moon up tonight

Am I going to survive

I hear the starlight call me out into the night

Under a reverie inspired by Your delight

When I

Call on You will arrive

Promises stay alive

Please don’t take your time

Kua tirotirohia, kua mōhiotia ahau e koe.

E mātau ana koe ki tōku nohoanga iho, ki tōku whakatikanga ake; ki ōku whakaaro i tawhiti 

E kitea pūtia ana e koe tōku ara me tōku takotoranga iho;

Kahore rawa hoki he kupu i tōku arero, i toe i a koe te mōhio,

Kua hangā ā muri, ā mua, ōku e koe: kua pā mai anō tōu ringa 

He mea whakamīharo rawa, kei tawhiti atu hoki i a au tēnei mātauranga: kei runga noa atu, tē taea e au.

Me haere au ki hea i tōu Wairua? me oma rānei ki hea i tōu aroaro?

I hear the starlight call me out into the night

Under a reverie inspired by Your delight

Take every part of me compose this heart of mine

tension is rising… You write the last line


Wētā - A translation

You have searched me, and you know me

You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar

You discern my going out and my lying down

Before a word is on my tongue, you know it completely

You hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me

Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain

Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence?


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