Kōngū te tahatū
Ki hea anga ai
Wetea, te whakatau
He haerenga hāngai
Nā ka huri kē
Tē tiro iho rā
Ka rongo whenua
Me he papa mahea
Tau mai aroā
Tō iho te rā
I ōna hua
Ka maru te aotea
Tē kite, auare ake
Ka anga tonu ai
Tē tiro iho rā
Ka rongo whenua
Te ahunga mai
Me he papa mahea
Te ara ki tua
Tau mai aroā
Te ahunga mai
Te ara ki tua
Aroā (Know How) - a translation
Can’t see the horizon
Covered in a white haze
Where’s our direction?
Breaking down, our decisions
We were going one way
and now it’s hectic
I don’t need to look down
I can still feel the ground
Where we come from
It’s a blank canvas now
Where we’re going
In the end, we’ll know how...
… long will the sun hide
Holding all the right ways
Beneath the daylight
Can’t see now but it’s alright
I can feel a warm ray
Enough to get by
Where we come from
Where we’re going