The way I see it it’s a simple choice
Stick together even through white noise
Feel the hand know it well
So when you are blind you can tell
In the darkness you will hear the voice
By a whisper under all the noise
Feel the hand know it well
the one that caught you when you fell
Hold onto love, hold onto love
I’m not saying that it’s easy all the time
There are trials
You are walking a thin line
But you are stronger every step
You can handle what’s next
Like I say it is a simple choice
Don’t fall apart inside the noise
Hold out your hand so they can tell
Give them a chance to know it well
In the darkness let them hear your voice
let it pierce through all the noise
Hold out your hand, when they call
You can catch them if they fall
I’m not saying it’s easy all the time
Sure there are trails you will find
Feel like you’re walking a thin line
You will make it to the other side x 2
Ko te pae tawhiti whāia kia tata
Ko te pae tata whakamaua kia tina
Whakamaua ki tō kaki hei tāhei
Whakairo ki runga i tō manawa
Whakatū hei haki mo tō whare ā-roto
Āpōpō ka whai ki tua o te pae rangi
Ka whai ki tua o te pae whenua
Whakamaua kia tina
Whakamaua kia tina
Miromiro - a translation
Pursue the horizon until it is close
Then lay hold of it and don’t let it go
Wear it on your neck as an ornament
Carve it on to your heart
Post it like a flag inside you
Tomorrow we’ll pursue it beyond the skies
We’ll pursue it beyond the horizon
Lay hold of it and don’t let it go
Hold it fast and don’t let it go