Ka haumumu te pō
E mehameha ana te hinengaro
Ka kārangaranga ahau
I tōku rākau
Takaoraora i te moenga
Nā te pōuriuri, kei hea te rongoa?
E mānakanaka ana mo āpōpō
Whakarongo mai e tōku ipo
Ka hipokina koe e au ki ōku hou
Piri mai ki raro i ōku pakau
Kia marutau, hei ruruhau māu
Kaua e mānukanuka
mo āpōpō
Mā te Kaihanga tātou
e tiaki
Ruru - a translation
The night becomes still
And the mind becomes lonely
I’ll be calling
From my tree
Restless on the bed
From the gloomy night, what’s the medicine?
Worried about tomorrow
Listen to me my love
I’ll cover with my feathers
Come near under my wing
For safety, for a refuge, for you
Don’t worry
For tomorrow
For the Creator
Will take of care (all of) us