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  • Writer's pictureEmily

Baby Beat

When I think about the moon and the stars

The same hands that make you

Who you are

I guess we’re gonna find out soon enough 

I wonder what comes of this love

Kaua e aukumea

Kaua e aukumea

E karanga ana te ao mārama

(nō reira) kaua e aukumea

When I think about the birds and the trees

The same hands that make you


Guess we’re gonna find out soon enough

I wonder what comes of this love


Kia kite au... i to mata, Kia tākina... to ingoa

Kia mau ki o... ringaringa, Ka mōhio... te aroha 

I can’t wait to see your face and

I can’t wait to say your name

I can’t wait to hold your hands and

I can’t wait to tell you that I love you



Baby Beat - a translation


Don't take too long

Don't take too long

The world is waiting for you

Don't take too long

I can’t wait to see your face and

I can’t wait to say your name

I can’t wait to hold your hands and

I can’t wait to tell you that I love you


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