I te tangi o te Korimako
He aha tāna e kōrero
Ka huri tāku aro ki te whakarongo
Ki te mārama i te waiata
He waiata whakahoki mahara
he mea hou rānei he tīmatanga?
He aha tāna e kawea?
Waita mai waiata mai
Kua roa te wā
mai te titonga o tōku waiata
Kua rongo ahau
I ngā waiata o ōu tūpuna
Nō reira tuhia ki tō rae
Ēhara tāku toa i te toa takitahi
Ēngari he toa takitini
Over the melting skies
We sing our lullaby
Good morning and goodnight
To our stories
Over the melting sky
We bring our lullaby
Good morning and goodnight
To our stories
Bellbird - a Korimako translation
At the cry of the bellbird
What is it trying to say
I turn to listen
To understand the song
Is it a song about remembering
Or something new, a beginning?
What is the message?
Sing it out, sing it out
It’s been a long time
Since the composition of my song
I have heard
All the songs of your ancestors
Therefore write it on your forehead:
My strength is not in myself alone,
But in a collective
(I am not alone)