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  • Writer's pictureEmily


Ko tōku tūrangawaewae tēnei

Kāore au e ware mo to moni

he taringa pākura kei ahau

Kāhore au e neke 


Ko tēnei toku tū, ko toku nohonga

I te ao i te pō, tōku oranga

Ko au te whenua, te whenua ko au

Ko au te whenua, ko te whenua ko au!

Tāria tāria, kāore au e neke

E kī! Ēhara tēnei i te wheke

Ka noho, ka tū, ka ora

Ka noho, ka tū!

Kāhore au e neke mai toku tūranga

Kua rarau ki te whenua

Wera ana toku ahi, i te iho, i te poho, Rūaumoko

Tūmatauenga, Rongomatane

Ko tēhea te ara, ara tika?

Ko tēhea te ara rangatira?

Mana rangatira

Mana whenua

Mau te rongo, whakamaua kia tīna

Tīna! hui e!

Taiki e!


Pūkeko - a translation

This is my home

I don’t care about your money

I’m stubborn like a pūkeko

I’ll never move


This where I stand, this is where I stay

Every day and every night, my life

I am the land, the land is me

I am the land and the land is me!

Go on and wait, I won’t move

I won’t run away like an octopus

I’ll stay, I’ll stand, I’ll live

I’ll stay, I’ll stand!


I will never move from where I stand

My feet are woven to the earth

The fire within me grows, deep within, like a volcano

War, peace

Which is the right path?

Which is the path to justice?

The responsibility of a leader

The responsibility to the land

Hold on to peace, bind it so its fixed, 

So its firm

Don’t let it go!


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