Kotahi ki reira
ki Araiteuru
Kotahi ki reira
ki Niua
Homai he toa
Homai he kaha
Homai he toa
Homai he kaha e
Do dragons talk
I think I heard one say
Do you remember me
From olden days
Yes I do in my fear
When I panic you appear
And then I see your face...
Ki te kake au ki ngā rangi,
ki te heke au ki te rēinga,
Ki te tango au ki ngā pākau o te ata,
Ki te noho ki ngā tōpito o te moana,
Kei reira koe
Can’t sit, can’t stand
Can’t hold a sword in my hand
I’m only free
When I’m dreaming
Like I do when you’re near
When the panic disappears
Then I see your face
Ko te kokonga ngākau
E kore e kitea
Uia, tirohia,
He aha e kitea?
Ka pōnakonako
He wairangi
Ka āta tirotiro
He kaitiaki
Taniwha- a translation
One there
Is Araiteuru
One there
Is Niua
Give me courage
Give me strength
Give me courage
Give me strength
If I ascend into the heavens,
If I descend to where spirits depart,
If I take the wings of the morning,
If I dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,
You are there
The corners of the heart
cannot be seenAsk and inspect
What is seen?
If we’re short sighted
We’ll see a monster
If we look carefully
We’ll see a guardian