Sometimes it’s hard to change
Put up in my brain
Telling me I can’t do this
Telling me I can’t do that
Run away run away run away
Until I can’t go back
(Until, I, can’t, go, back)
quiet but loud enough
Enough to stop my heart
I stop doing this
I stop doing that
Run away run away run away
Now I can’t go back
This time or next time
I just hope I get sometime
To go back, lean forward
It hurts my head but it’s good for my heart
To go back, lean forward
It won’t be easy but the 8th time is the charm
Kaua e mate wheke mate ururoa
Manawanui i ngā taumahatanga
Kaua e mate wheke mate ururoa
Te whakapono tūmanako me te aroha
Octopus - a translation
Don’t die like an octopus go out like a shark
Persevere through the hards times
Don’t die like an octopus go out like a shark
With faith hope and love